Pendaftaran akaun Indah ditutup sementara untuk memberi laluan kepada Karnival FYP 2024/2025.
File Transfer To Server From Your Computer
To access your project, open any browser then type :[matricnum].
To access your profile, open any browser then type : or click button.
After open the link, you will see interface below. Fill below information as follow :
Username : matricnum (Eg. : cb10999)
Password : matricnum
Then click Sign in.
You will see interface as above; on your right is the files in your server site.
Click File then choose Upload to current directory.
Drag-drop all your files in the box or click to select. *If you want to upload the whole files in one folder, tick at Directory Upload before you select the folder.
Then click Upload.
How to Create Database From Your Computer
Make sure you are connected to the UMPSA network either wired or wireless.
Open any browser then type or click button.
Again use your matricnum as username and password.
Then you will see below interface :
Click your database name on the left then create table.
Example php coding
If you already fill data in your database in localhost, just export your data in .sql format from your local then import the file into the server.